Maintaining Hand Hygiene with new Sanitizer Bracelets

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Usually I write about my experiences in tech, however this time I chose a different topic. With everyone now conscious of hand hygiene, I have asked myself several times: “How might I help everyone around the world do this better?”. In response, I came up with several answers which comes across every technology person’s mind: “Build a mobile app/website that feeds people with information about hygiene. Add a chatbot, and tell everyone it runs on fancy AI and blockchain technology”. But NO. I looked around and wanted to interact with the physical world.
My next answer: Sanitizer Bracelets. Even though my initial design started out as a technology-driven solution, I iterated with customer feedback to figure out the most minimalistic solution possible to my hand hygiene question.
The Problem:
About a week ago, I was shopping at my favorite neighbourhood drugstore . Getting to the hygiene aisle to pick up extra hand sanitizers, I realized was completely out-of-stock. I stretched out my left hand to pick hand washes, and it occurred to me I had my Apple Watch on. Next the thought rings:
“I have a hand sanitizer at home but why should have I have to perform certain tasks before getting applying it to my hand? Can’t I just fill my Apple Watch with the gel and the watch releases the gel to my hand at intervals?”
The Product:
Being long enough in technology (I’m not referring to software engineering only. At some point in my life, I was a radio producer — I would write about this sometime soon.), I knew this would be possible. Drew a few initial designs which looking back were awesome, but super complicated and not MVP material. I asked a few potential customers, designers, manufacturers and arrived at:
A bracelet that helps you keep hands free of bacteria and viruses by releasing skin-friendly hand sanitizing gel to the hand. With the bracelet, you would not have to pull out your pocket-sized sanitizer bottle at intervals or visit the restroom to have your hands sanitized. Simply wear on your wrist and you are ready to go. It comes a different colors, so you maintain your hand hygiene and the same time come out as fashionable and trendy.