Querypal web-UI for Amazon Athena is now Open Source
A couple of weeks back, I introduced Querypal, a web-based, query execution tool which leverages Amazon Athena to make authoring queries and retrieving results simple for users. After the introduction, I opened Querypal for private beta testing with a handful of users, enough to collect feedback.
I’m glad to announce that after the successful completion of the private beta testing, Querypal is now open source and available on GitHub for anyone to deploy and use in their respective AWS Accounts.
Why use Querypal?
With Querypal, you no longer have to deal with Amazon Athena JDBC connections, static credentials, etc. Data enthusiasts in your organization simply signup and they are ready to start exploring your data lake via SQL.
With Querypal, data practitioners can collaborate by sharing their SQL statements created during data exploration with other users of your data lake via Querypal Global Timeline — a Twitter feed-like feature for SQL queries. Querypal Global Timeline helps to drive SQL adoption by enabling organizations with different levels of analysis sophistication, to easily find queries from experts. The global timeline coupled with data explorer helps make it easy for beginners to explore datasets, write, share and discover queries.
With Querypal, you can also run multiple queries in parallel with the multi-query tab functionality. With this, you are able to explore multiple datasets at the same time and this scales with Amazon Athena because of its serverless nature.
To learn more about Querypal:
What’s Coming?
We are bringing Amazon SageMaker Autopilot to Querypal using ML with Amazon Athena. With this feature, you will be able to train and deploy Amazon SageMaker Autopilot models and make predictions. This feature will only be available in the AWS Regions where Machine Learning (ML) with Amazon Athena (Preview) is available.